Cold therapy is a well-known and proven technique that leads to remarkable health & wellness benefits.
Using The Crotch Doctor for Cold Therapy is a detox technique that eliminates toxins and fat and brings countless other benefits to everyone.
Cooling the crotch area with The Crotch Doctor is otherwise known as a Detox Bath (or Derivative Bath). The technique stems from an intuition by Naturopathic icon Luis Kuhne (1835-1901). The original crude technique involved sponging the crotch with cold water from the inner thigh to the perineal area. In modern times, people turn to The Crotch Doctor.
Cold Therapy Detox Baths are well known in Europe as an important means to improving lifestyle by shifting the toxins and fats from the periphery of the body back into the colon – which eliminates toxins and fat. There is a global health and wellness movement that fully recognizes the remarkable healing powers of cold. Cold plunge tubs, ice baths, and cold showers are just of the few ways people are getting in on the health benefits of cold.
The simple Cold Therapy technique of using The Crotch Doctor can bring countless benefits to everyone. Once you try it and experience the benefits – you won’t go back.